Why Billboards?
For decades, billboards have impacted the way businesses reach, inform and attract consumers. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life and priorities, having the ability to reach customers “on the go” is more important than ever. From static boards to digital faces, Outdoor Advertising allows businesses the opportunity to reach clients in the most efficient and cost effective way.
Below are the key advantages Outdoor Advertising provides:
Reach a Targeted Demographic
Specific to your campaign or product, Billboards have the ability to reach a vast range of prospective clients within a specific area. For the average location-based business, 80% of their customer base originates within a 10 mile radius.
While offering the ability to influence your immediate vicinity, Billboards also enable you to impact a broader range of consumers.
Communicate in a Snapshot
Educate and inform your audience with precise facts about your company, brand or promotion….
…or, having attracted their attention, influence and seize the moment:
Cost Effective
And finally, Outdoor Advertising is proven to offer the most impact for your dollar when compared with all other media options:
Digital Media
Digital Billboards are computer-controlled electronic displays with technological capabilities that are taking out-of-home advertising to a new level. With Primary Media’s digital technology, the possibilities are endless.
- Have your advertisement displayed over 1400 times per day
- Located on highway 380 in Frisco, TX.
- Change your message as often as you want with no production cost
- Stream live data and user-generated content from your website/social media in real time
- Display your ad within minutes
Social Media
Social media is continuously used by clients and advertisers to engage with consumers. Tying social media into Digital Out-of-Home allows a client to reach a larger amount of consumers within a given area. Social media capabilities pull real-time social media feeds and place them on large format Out-of-Home billboards.
Countdowns generate hype and excitement within a community. A countdown not only informs consumers of upcoming events, but it also reminds them to plan accordingly. Primary Media’s digital billboards can count a variety of things in a variety of ways.
User Content
Research indicates that consumers trust their peers when it comes to brands and companies. User Generated Content (UGC) allows consumers to interact and participate in a digital advertising campaign, therefore creating brand ambassadors for a given advertiser. User Generated Content can come from a variety of sources, depending on the goals and actions of a company or brand.
Day Parting
Consumers are inundated with advertising throughout the day. One way to reach a consumer is through relevant, timely advertisements. Change your digital advertisements to reflect current advertising messages. Digital day parting capabilities allow customers and clients to plan ahead in a similar fashion to an editorial calendar.
Weather Info
From deciding weekend plans to considering dinner options, weather dictates consumer decisions. It makes sense to suggest your business’ products and services by integrating weather information into your next digital advertising campaign.
It’s no secret that trending items typically continue to trend, as more and more consumers purchase hot items or special products. It makes sense to inform consumers on the road about an advertiser’s popular, trending items.
Digital boards are able to tie in to certain websites that monitor click rates for products and display the most frequently clicked set of items for a given company or organization.
Message Relevance
The flexibility of our Digital Billboards allows you to change your message based on the time of day, traffic conditions and more. We can tap into the local forecast and trigger relevant designs to run when it’s rainy vs. sunny. We can even play designs based on the pollen level or the outcome of a football game!
Design Form
Please click here to download our primary media digital design guide.
Traditional Billboards
Our traditional billboards come in a variety of sizes from 8 x 24 to 14 x 48 (our most popular) and all sizes in between. We use weather resistant vinyl for your artwork on all of our billboards insuring the best quality possible for your advertisement. We also offer a multitude of different options to enhance your advertisement including illumination, inflatables, 3D, and mannequins.
A Bulletin is the largest standard-sized billboard that delivers maximum exposure to vehicular traffic on expressways, highways and primary arteries.
Typically 14 feet high and 48 feet wide, a bulletin provides 672 square feet of space for your ad. Bulletins offer unparalleled visibility.
- Large-format advertising structures located on major highways, expressways and primary arteries
- Visible to drivers, commuters and long distance travelers
- Command your audience’s attention with creative three-dimensional designs, moving parts and extensions
Go Primary; you won’t be disappointed.